Professional Coaching Certification Program


International Coaching Certification Program (ICCP)



Purpose of the Professional Coaching Certification Program (PCCP)

To develop coaches in organizations and outside the organization to be professional in accordance with the core competencies of the International Coaching Federation. (International Coaching Federation - ICF)
To stimulate professional coaches in Thailand to be in line with international standards and to become part of the ASEAN Economic Community.
To create quality of coaches that strengthen the culture of coaching for organizations in Thailand.

Learning in various roles. Participants will be:
Learning in role of "Learner" about coaching skills and knowledge that are based on International Coaching Federation from experienced lecturers who have developed coaching culture in Thailand and the Asia-Pacific region for more than 10 years.
Learning in role of "Coachee" from Thailand Coaching Institute coaches and from their classmates.
Learning in role of "Coach" from mentors (Mentor Coach) closely.


Dr. Thomas Yates, PCC
Academic Director of the Thailand Coaching Institute
Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

Paul Marks, PCC
Internationally Recognized Executive Coach
Facilitator Accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

Tuition fee

• Early Bird Rate: USD 2,300
• Standard Rate: USD 2,600

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